Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day One Starts Tomorrow: March 17th

When I was in middle school, I was gifted my first camera.
It has been an addiction ever since.
I love photography. I love it so much that from 2006 to 2009, I had AT LEAST 15,000 pictures on my computer. I'm pretty sure my Apple computer erupted because of it.
I currently have 133 Albums on Facebook full of pictures, and am convinced that if my friends ever need pictures from college when they are in their old age, they know where to look. My bedroom currently has about 10 photo albums recording my life over the past 15 years. Crazy, I know! However, besides the family vacation pics, or bowling night pics, or whatever, I also have pictures that I have taken and specifically set aside. Pictures containing people, places, different cultures and more. I have been to 8 different nations and been all over the US. I have tons of pictures, but for what??? Well, let me tell you...

I have always wanted my own photography business. It is still in the works and unfortunately I have put it off due to other commitments and things going on. I started "my business" in college, but it is in the making. I have sold some of my stuff. Some to people who wanted them just cause and some for fundraising for mission trips, but nothing more. People always say, "YOU NEED TO SELL THESE!"
It is something I really want to do. As of today I only have a business name that was dropped into my heart, a bunch printed and ready to go in different sizes, and the start of a portfolio.

For the next 30 days, I am going to be working on my business. Each day I will either post pictures taken in the past, or that same day, or I will find information on starting a credible photography business. My hope is that 30 days from now, I have a better picture of what it will take to get this business up and running, and learn a lot about myself and the photography business as well.

I am doing this blogrimage for a few reasons:

1. To put action to a dream in my heart.
2. To challenge myself to get the word out that I want this dream to come to pass and for people to pray.
3. To gain more business knowledge and entrepreneurial skills to make this a reality and become more successful.
4. To have fun and do something that may have been put off and never brought to pass because of my postponement/ lack of intentionality.

I’ll blog everyday during this time for accountability and documentation.

I hope you follow along, and better yet, document a journey of your own.



  1. Maggie:

    From what little I know about photography, I can tell you that a business is the way to go since good photo equipment is at least tax deductible then!

    On a more serious note, I think that photography is really about seeing something and capturing it in an image so that others may see it too. As Ansel Adams reputedly said: "There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer." Here's to giving people new sight!

    If you ever need advice on DSLRs, let me know. I am more familiar with Canon but I know some very good Nikon users too.

    Richard Wilke
    Rewrite Photography

  2. I love it! I want to learn too.

  3. Fantastic! Just curious: what sort of photography business are you considering? Journalistic? Artistic? Or could I hire you to photograph my family?? :)

  4. Excellent Idea! Can't wait to see your stuff :)
